In all this talk about frugality, joining The Compact, and saving money there is one thing I haven't mentioned. I love clothes. Having said that, I am not a hip and trendy person. The photo at left shows me in my absolute most fashionable outfit, which is kind of sad because I somehow doubt it's even fashionable. I'm sure neither Kasmira or Emily Martin would ever be caught dead in this outfit! There are several fashion blogs that I read regularly. By regularly I mean every day. Sometimes twice a day if I check in the morning and there is no update, I check again later in the afternoon. These include the following:,,, and the all time most fantastic fashion blog ever, the unequaled
None of these women dress anything like me. None of these women dress like one another, though I suppose you could say liebemarlene and Some Girls Wander have a similar vibe. I am not fashionable. I could never BE fashionable. It goes against the grain of who I am to even want to be fashionable. So why am I so obsessed that it's a rare day that goes by where I don't check these sites? I don't know. It's the hypocrite in me. The part of me that WANTS to wear lovely clothes and look beautiful and have all that lovely, girly stuff. Even as I write that, I know I could never, ever live that fashion lifestyle. First of all I have always wondered where Kasmira and Emily Martin STORE all those clothes. I know liebemarlene has an online shop where most of her stuff winds up. And the whole point of Erin's Work With What You've Got is with what you've got. She puts together some really cool outfits but other than her massive handbag collection, I don't think she has loads and loads of clothes. I sometimes wonder how Emily even keeps track of her clothes. She writes on her outfits not only where they came from (lots of Anthropologie stuff- which I can't see my frugal self ever really buying from......I have an anxiety attack when I order from Boden or Gap on rare occasions) but what YEAR she bought them. How does she keep track? It seems like so much stuff between the skirts and the socks and the shoes and the underlayers and the blouses, and the separate collars. How big ARE her closets? Does she ever feel overwhelmed? Does she ever consider "decluttering"? Does she ever think "right, I think I have quite enough Anthro cardigans"? I get stressed just thinking of all the stuff she has to take care of and keep track of. It would actually be quite interested to follow a frugal fashionista blog- I haven't come across one yet, but I'll keep looking.
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