Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Basic introductory thoughts

This blog is an attempt to discuss my thoughts on The Compact as well as to discuss other areas of interest such as books and travel. I am a stay at home mom who does not like the consumerist culture I currently live in. Recently, on Facebook, I read an old high school "friend's" page about themself and their goal in life was to make as much money as they could. I found myself pretty shocked to see that proudly displayed as someone's life's goal. Not make the world a better place, not to see the beauty in their daily world, not to help others but to amass as much money as possible. I suppose I shouldn't be shocked. Everyone else has their own concept of what in life would make them happy. For that person, the accumulation of wealth is their idea of success. I would have liked to see them expand on the idea- what would they do with their money? What do they choose to do now with their money? What is it about money that makes them happy? But to be frank it turned me off so much that I deleted them as a friend. I never really liked her much anyway. (joke) My desire to do The Compact as a goal for myself and my family is a long time in coming. Let me say I have always been a frugal person, however like most people living in the US today, I have fallen into the trap of material possessions, using shopping as a family activity, buying to please people: myself, my children, my husband, etc. It's never felt normal or good to me though. In fact, more often than not after a day of shopping I am so anxious I return most of what I bought anyway. I have toyed with frugal living off and on for at least 15 years. I always have good intentions, then they fall by the wayside as real life takes over. However this time I am determined to make a real lifestyle change. Several things have occurred in the last year or so to make me absolutely resolute to change our lives. In the next post I'll discuss what, why, and how we will make the change to living a more satisfying, frugal, less consumerist life.

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